Inflatable hot tub purchasing advice: how to choose the right product
- The most important facts in brief
- With an inflatable whirlpool, it is possible to enjoy the spa experience at home.
- The whirlpool can be set up and taken down very easily.
- Thanks to the wide range of different sizes and price ranges, there is something for every need.
Inflatable whirlpools – wellness in your home.
For many, the spa is considered the definition of relaxation. Be it physical or mental stress, it is the ideal place to relieve it. But a visit to the spa costs time, money and effort. And wellness is most relaxing at home. By purchasing an inflatable whirlpool, you can make this dream come true and enjoy the Jacuzzi experience every day in your own four walls – whether after a long day at work or a strenuous sports session.
Relaxing in the jacuzzi should not just be considered a luxury. It has been proven that a stay in a Jacuzzi can benefit both the mind and the body. A hot bath in the whirlpool promotes circulation and can even make breathing easier It increases the production of the happiness hormones serotonin and dopamine. The muscles relax with the help of the warm water, which can speed up the recovery of the body and muscles after an intensive workout.

Problem-free change of location
Saved money and little time are not the only advantages of an inflatable pool: The most obvious plus point is that it is not permanently installed. This means it can be moved around as needed, for example if the original installation site proves unsuitable or a change of location is desired. Those who do not plan to use the inflatable whirlpool all year round can easily dismantle it for the winter and store it until it is used again in the summer. Those who have set it up outside should do so anyway, as sub-zero temperatures and ice can damage the pool.
More convenient than a permanently installed version
Although it seems illogical at first glance, an inflatable whirlpool is actually usually more comfortable than a permanently installed one. This is due to the soft walls and floor that characterise the air pool. In contrast, permanently installed Jacuzzis are usually made of hard material, which is not particularly comfortable without the purchase of accessories.
Anyone who thinks of a paddling pool when they hear the term “inflatable Jacuzzi” is mistaken. It may look like a large paddling pool from the outside, but it is nevertheless a much higher quality, technologically complicated construction. Moreover, unlike a paddling pool, which is mainly intended for children, an inflatable whirlpool is primarily suitable for adults. It is often too deep for children.
Storage in winter
Most manufacturers advise against using the whirlpool at a temperature of less than 5 degrees Celsius, unless the model is equipped with an anti-frost system. The pool can be irreparably damaged by staying in sub-zero temperatures for a long time. If the pool were to be used at such a low temperature, the guarantee would no longer apply. In addition, the heating power required would be far too great. If you still want to enjoy a hot bath in winter, you can install the pool indoors for the winter period, where the temperature does not reach such depths. This should not be a problem as the assembly and disassembly of an inflatable whirlpool is very simple. However, you should make sure in advance that the floor can also bear the heavy load.
How to set up an inflatable whirlpool tub
It is recommended that you read the instructions for use before setting up. However, the steps are quite similar from model to model. First of all, it is important to find a suitable location. Once this has been chosen, the assembly begins. A suitable base provides a level foundation and slows down heat loss. As soon as you have plugged the pump into the pool, you can let the air blow in at the push of a button. The same process takes place separately for the bottom of the whirlpool. When the whirlpool is standing, the pump and filter must be installed. Finally, the pool is filled with water with the help of a hose.
The temperature can be regulated on the control panel. This can be set to up to 40 degrees Celsius in most whirlpools. Heating the water can take some time depending on the size and filling level of the pool. The control panel also allows you to activate the filtration and the jets that create the so-called bubble effect.
How to dismantle an inflatable whirlpool tub
When dismantling the pool, the first step is to drain the water. Then release the air in sequence first from the outer chambers and then from the bottom. Before folding the whirlpool tub, make sure that it is dry and clean so that it retains its good condition during longer storage. It is true that the operation of the various parts can vary between manufacturers. However, the sequence of steps in which dismantling should take place is the same across products. It is best to read the instructions for use before dismantling.
Where is the best place to put the pool?
What makes inflatable whirlpools so attractive is their flexibility, as they can be set up almost anywhere. However, the area where the pool is placed must meet a few criteria: For example, there must be a power connection nearby. The surface must also be level so that the water is evenly distributed in the pool. There must be no sharp foreign objects such as pebbles under the pool. In addition, the weight of an inflatable pool should not be underestimated when it is full. After all, inflatable whirlpools can hold more than 800 litres. A filled pool can weigh several tonnes. For the consumer, this means that he or she must make sure that the floor space can support such a weight. For this reason, it is not advisable to set up the pool on a balcony. Even some flat floors could be overwhelmed by carrying such a load. The safest option is to install the whirlpool as an outdoor pool.
The placement of the whirlpool tub also affects its durability and the water quality. Therefore, it should not be placed in direct sunlight in midsummer. UV radiation can damage the material of the inflatable whirlpool tub. Although this does not happen overnight, the whirlpool tub could be irreparably damaged after long and continuous exposure to UV radiation. In addition, sunlight facilitates the growth of bacteria in the water. Both problems can be solved with the help of a cover. The latter should even be included in the scope of delivery, as the products are also intended for outdoor use.

What is important when buying?
A large part of the purchase criteria is subjective. For example, the desired size or shape of the whirlpool depends on personal requirements. Everyone sets their own priorities, but it is important to pay attention to the general quality of workmanship. Both the workmanship of the pool body and the technology should therefore be of high quality, even in the lower price ranges.
The size of an inflatable hot tub
One of the most important decisions when buying an inflatable whirlpool is its size. There are a number of things to consider here: For example, the consumer should be clear about where he or she wants to set up the whirlpool before buying. After all, the pool must fit in its place. The number of people for whom the whirlpool is intended is also an important factor. The maximum number of people specified by the manufacturer should not be exceeded, otherwise too much pressure will be exerted on the outer wall. It is therefore not advisable to buy a whirlpool model for two people and use it for three just to save money. After all, comfort is an important factor, especially with whirlpools. However, if three people squeeze into an inflatable whirlpool for two, it is anything but comfortable and relaxing. In this case it is therefore advisable to invest a little more money and buy a four-person pool. That way a guest can also get in.
The inflatable whirlpools from the different manufacturers have very similar dimensions: the height is usually 60 to 80 centimetres. This means that the water reaches up to the shoulders of an average adult. The length or width depends not only on the number of people, but also on the shape of the whirlpool. In the case of a round or square pool – the most popular shapes – the values are of course identical. The length is usually 170 to 210 centimetres. However, this does not mean that there is enough space in the whirlpool to stretch out your legs. To calculate the length of the interior, twice the thickness of the wall must be subtracted from the total length.
The most popular pool shapes
Inflatable whirlpools can be very different shapes: round, square, oval and hexagonal and octagonal. Round and square pools are the bestsellers because they are easy to set up and save space. Round and square pools are usually smaller than oval or polygonal pools.
How heavy is a full inflatable whirlpool?
The whirlpool itself weighs relatively little. Depending on the size, the weight is 20 to 40 kilograms. However, full whirlpools are considerably heavier. A small pool for two people weighs about 20 kilograms. When it is full, about half a tonne is added, plus the weight of the people in the whirlpool, if applicable. Large pools for up to six people weigh almost 40 kilograms. These can be filled with up to 1,500 litres of water, plus the weight of the people in the whirlpool. One litre of water weighs about one kilogram. The weight of a whirlpool can therefore vary from about 650 kilograms to almost two tonnes. It is therefore very important to make sure that the location can safely bear the load.

What material are inflatable whirlpools made of?
Inflatable whirlpools are made of plastic. PVC and polyester foils as well as artificial leather are often used. A product that is supposed to last a long time consists of several layers. Established manufacturers such as Intex, Bestway and Miweba market pools with three to six layers. Miweba, for example, uses a six-layer reinforced PVC for its Mspa-DELIGHT series. Consumers accordingly often go for products from Intex or Miweba’s Mspa range. The general rule of thumb is that the more layers, the more resistant the pool is to high or low temperatures, extreme weather conditions, shocks and harmful chemicals. Some manufacturers even use luxury material such as memory foam, so that the seating surface adapts to the individual person.
What is important when heating an inflatable pool?
Inflatable whirlpools are equipped with a heater that heats the water and thus provides the pleasant spa feeling that most users want. The warm water relaxes the body and promotes circulation. Only with warm water can the massage through the water jets of the jets fully unfold its muscle-relaxing effect.
The control panel allows users to control the heating. The maximum water temperature is about 40 degrees Celsius, sometimes even 42 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature depends on the winter capability of the whirlpool. Depending on the heating capacity and the size of the pool, the pool heaters warm the pool by about 1.5 to 2.0 degrees Celsius per hour. This means that, depending on the water volume, quite a bit of time must be planned until you can sit in your warm whirlpool. It can take half a day to a whole day.
As heating not only takes time but also electricity, users are advised to insulate the pool as well as possible instead of leaving the heating on permanently. Of course, cooling down cannot be prevented completely. Sooner or later, it is guaranteed that the pool will have to be reheated. In order to achieve the slowest possible cooling of the water, two accessories are necessary that are included in most pools: a cover and a floor mat. The former ensures that the water gives off less heat to the air. In addition, a cover helps to keep the water clean by preventing foreign bodies from getting into the water. The floor mat, which is also often part of the pool accessories, is placed under the pool and prevents too much heat from being lost through the floor.
The volume of an inflatable hot tub
Anyone who wants a pool oasis in total silence will probably be disappointed by the inflatable whirlpool. This is already suggested by the name: “whirl” means “whirl” in English, and where there is whirling, a certain noise level is to be expected. It is best to ask the manufacturer or seller how loud the product is before buying. After all, the main purpose of a whirlpool is to relax, which is impossible if it is too loud.

Once again, it depends on the location of the whirlpool: If it is in a small bare room where it reverberates, the noise will be all the louder. The garden or terrace are more suitable. The whirlpool should not be so loud that it disturbs the neighbours. Nevertheless, an agreement could not hurt. It is also helpful to choose high-quality products. These are usually quieter. Manufacturers such as Miweba even advertise that their products are particularly quiet.
Both the filtration system and the massage jets work with motor-driven pumps. Thus, they are the parts of the pool that produce noise. The massage jets are the noisiest. Not only does the motor make a noise, but the whirls and bubbles caused by the jets drive the noise level up. Anyone who wants to enjoy a whirlpool massage must therefore reckon with a noise level of around 72 decibels, which is about as loud as a hoover. Other pool parts generate a noise level of around 60 decibels, and sometimes only 50 decibels with high-quality products.
What are the nozzles for?
The nozzles of the inflatable whirlpools compensate for the disadvantage of the noise level with their effect. They are responsible for both the bubble effect and the massage, one of the most important functions of an inflatable whirlpool. Whirlpools usually have 80 to 150 jets. These are divided into air jets and water jets. Whirlpools with air jets, also called “air jets”, are very popular because they produce the desired effect and are also cheaper. Air jets pump the air from outside into the whirlpool. Water jets are more expensive because they have additional functions, such as controlling the direction of the jet. Water jets work with the help of a water pump. The most effective whirlpools are those that combine air and water jets. However, such models are considerably more expensive.
Why can’t the pools be filled with salt water?
Salt is a natural agent that can ensure the cleanliness of the water. Chlorine is created from the salt water through salt water electrolysis. As a result, no additional chlorine or other disinfectant is required. However, salt must not be used in most inflatable whirlpools. PVC, the plastic from which most pools are made, is sensitive to salt water. The salt water could therefore attack the inner wall of the pool. The pump and filter could also be damaged. Exceptions are whirlpools with a salt water system. These allow the use of salt and should be explicitly labelled as such. Theoretically, it is also possible to retrofit a salt water electrolysis device. However, an expert should be consulted in advance. After all, most whirlpools are made of PVC or a similar plastic, which means that operation with salt water is out of the question.
What filter systems are available?
To keep the inflatable whirlpool clean, filters are used in addition to chemicals such as chlorine. These filter out impurities and coarse particles such as hair. They also prevent germs from developing in the water. The most common types of filters are cartridge filters and sand filters. Although there are also sponge and foam filters, these are used rather rarely.
Filter cartridges trap waste using paper cartridges. Although they are cheap to buy, they have to be changed regularly. They are therefore not particularly environmentally friendly and cause permanent costs. They are most often used in small whirlpools. Cartridge filters are best suited for users who do not use the whirlpool too often or throughout the year, as otherwise the costs quickly add up.
Sand filters filter the water with the help of quartz sand grains. They need to be cleaned less often than cartridge filters and therefore require less maintenance. On the other hand, they are significantly more expensive than cartridge filters. They are most often used in large pools. If you use your pool a lot and all year round, you are better off with sand filters, as they are cheaper in the long run.

What accessories are included with the purchase?
A number of accessories are usually included with inflatable whirlpools. These include indispensable components without which the pool cannot fulfil its functions: the heater, the pump and the filter. In addition, there are accessories that are practical and enrich the whirlpool experience, for example a repair kit or a carrying bag. Customers can also expect a floor mat and a cover.
The most important optional accessories
Some accessories are mainly used to make the inflatable whirlpool more cosy, beautiful and comfortable. LED lights are one example. Anyone who has ever seen a pool illuminated under water at night knows that LEDs can greatly enhance the aesthetics. Of course, they are not necessary for the use of a whirlpool.

Pillows for sitting or for the neck increase comfort. Those made of memory foam are particularly comfortable. A drink tray can also make for a more relaxing experience, as it allows you to enjoy a refreshing drink while bathing.
If you want to upgrade technologically, you can get a timer for the heating and even for the LEDs. A filter change alarm helps not to forget the regular maintenance of the filter.
Last but not least, it is possible to make the pool more barrier-free for children and senior citizens by purchasing an entry aid. After all, a whirlpool is 60 to 80 centimetres high. If you want additional protection from the sun or rain, you can erect a gazebo.
The above-mentioned items are not necessary, but can improve the experience considerably. Some manufacturers also offer them as part of the delivery. For example, there are whirlpools where cushions are included in the purchase price.
The price of an inflatable whirlpool tub
The price of an inflatable whirlpool can vary greatly. For example, a pool for six people is usually more expensive than one for two people. The quality of the product is another factor. The number of plastic layers and the general quality of workmanship are decisive here. Last but not least, the equipment is important. The price of a whirlpool can range from 500 to 1,300 euros.
Costs for power consumption
In addition to the purchase costs, an inflatable whirlpool also incurs costs for its use and maintenance. The largest running cost factor is the energy costs. The whirlpool’s power consumption is mainly determined by its size. A whirlpool with a capacity of 1,000 litres requires more electricity for heating than a 500-litre pool. The same principle applies to the pump: the larger the pool, the higher the electricity consumption. Heaters have an output of 1,500 to 2,200 watts, pumps about 2,000 watts.
Depending on the outside temperature and the size of the whirlpool, heating can take half a day to a whole day. This is how much it would cost to heat up the whirlpool once:
Power | Per hour | Per half day | Per day |
1.500 watts | 0,44 Euro | 5,28 Euro | 10,56 Euro |
2.000 watts | 0,58 Euro | 6,96 Euro | 13,92 Euro |
2.200 watts | 0,64 Euro | 7,68 Euro | 15,36 Euro |
Costs for the water
An additional cost factor is the water, which is a prerequisite for using the whirlpool. Here, too, the size is decisive: some whirlpools require 500 to 1,500 litres of water to be filled. Also bear in mind that you will have to change the water every now and then – depending on how often you use the whirlpool. If you use the pool all year round, you will have to change the water about three times a year.
This is how much it costs to fill the whirlpool:
Size | Cost in Euro |
500 litres | 1 Euro |
1.000 litres | 2 Euro |
1.500 litres | 3 Euro |
Maintenance costs
Further costs arise from the maintenance requirements of an inflatable whirlpool. Chlorine or other substances such as vitamin C or active oxygen are required for cleaning. Although this should not be too expensive, the cleaning agents and disinfectants are still not free. One kilogram of chlorine, for example, costs about ten euros. Refilling a 1,000-litre pool requires about five to ten grams of chlorine granulate for disinfection. In addition, the filters have to be changed regularly. Compared to the cost of electricity, however, the cost of filters and chlorine is not very high.
What should I pay attention to when maintaining the pool?
When maintaining and cleaning the pool, attention must be paid to the purity of the water and the cleanliness of the pool. To keep the water clean, chemicals are used in whirlpools, usually chlorine. However, vitamin C or active oxygen can also be used. The amount of chlorine needed depends on how dirty the water is. It is best to consult the manufacturer’s manual for advice. The filters also need to be changed or cleaned regularly.
How often the water needs to be changed depends on how intensively you use the whirlpool. The water in a pool that is used all year round should be changed at least three times a year. You can use the opportunity of the empty whirlpool directly for its cleaning. After you have let out the water and air, scrub the inside wall with a sponge and some washing-up liquid. Then rinse it with water and let it dry before either storing it or filling it again.
Where can I buy a pool?
If you want to buy a hot tub, you can first try a DIY store. Customers can often see the products there and get a better feel for the size and equipment. However, the range is much larger online. In addition, the best prices are usually found on the internet. Before buying, however, it is essential to pay attention to the shipping costs. These can increase the price of the pool depending on the size and considerably.